Sunday, August 31, 2014

C is for Caterpillar

Today we focused on one of my favorite children's books,
 The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. 

For our pre class activity, the kids had a great time decorating this giant piece of paper.
They were so proud of their art work :)

After we read the book, the kids had a caterpillar feast !

We talked about the life of a caterpillar, and how it turns into a butterfly !


 We practiced the "c" sound with the help of our little caterpillar friend.

 During break time, the kids had fun preparing pretend caterpillar feasts. 

We practiced our counting skills with beads, which the kids got really into !

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Letter C !

Today we talked about the letter C with the themes cats and clothing. We talked about how animals don't wear clothing, but people do ! It was silly to think about cats in clothes !

We read the Eric Carle book, Have You Seen My Cat?

Then we talked about our favorite cats !

The kids used a paw print stamp to practice the letter "C" formation. 

Letter C puzzles. 

 Sorting buttons by color. 

This was a favorite activity. The kids used clothes pins to hang miniature clothes on a clothesline !

Dressing up magnet dolls. 

Dressing up ourselves ! Too much fun !

B is for BUGS, BUGS, BUGS!

We focused more on the letter B today with the theme being BUGS! We read the book BUGS, BUGS, BUGS and we talked about differences between some of the common creepy crawlers.

We made a bumblebee from the letter "B".

We practiced using scissors and helped our bug friends hide in the grass !

We sang the Itsy-Bitsy Spider with our pipe cleaner spiders.

We did a sorting activity with different "B" creatures in the sensory bin. 

Practicing writing the capital and lower case "B" with Q-tips on a baggie filled with paint. 

We loved having gummy worms for snack time !

 As a review, we played bowling ! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Brown Bear, Brown Bear: Letter B Day

This week we studied the letter B in class. 
Our theme was bears as we dove into the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

The kids loved coloring their own mini versions of the book!

Everyone brought their favorite teddy bear, and we had ourselves a teddy bear picnic at snack time!
The kids loved telling us all about their bears!
We played a game where we learned the sound the "B" makes. 
The kids took turns placing items in bears belly if the object started with a "B". 

Some of the letter "B" related activities we did were reading books and building with blocks.

 We hunted for bears in the sensory bin during centers. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A is for Apple

Our theme for today was apples as we continued to focus on the letter A this week. 

We talked about the different kinds of apples and had a taste test!

The kids voted on which apples they liked the best!
Green apples WON !


Writing in salt.

Cutting practice :)

Making Apple Jack's necklaces. 

Letter A formations with flat marbles (this was the class favorite activity).

Fishing for the big "A" and little "a". 

We finished the day with some water colors ! ! !

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A is for Alligator

We started on the letter A today. The theme was all about Alligators. We talked about the differences between alligators and crocodiles. We also discussed what makes an animal a reptile.

Mason loved hunting for alligators in the sensory bin !

We sewed alligator cards and Annslie was a pro !

First Day of Preschool 2014

We have a great little class this year! And the first day we had a blast getting to know each other and doing fun crafts!

Mason, Keegan, Lily, Annslie, and Katelyn

 We learned each other's names and got familiar with the first letter of our names with this craft.

 Homework: the kids took home their silhouette and made a collage to share with the class.